Crystals and Meditation

Meditating with a stone to feel its energy is a sure shot way of understanding if a stone is suitable for you and whether it would provide the kind of healing you require.
Once you have cleansed your crystal, sit with it in your palms which can be placed on your lap. Find a quiet place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Close your eyes and breathe gently, noticing your breath without trying to control it. Gently relax your muscle groups, starting at your head and working your way down the body to your feet. You will begin to feel the energy of the stone. Let this energy flow through you and understand which part of the body it is being channeled into and how it makes you feel. If this energy and feeling is what you require to learn and internalise, you have found the correct crystal for your journey to self-healing.
This method of selection however can be challenging, especially when stones are smaller or if you are not a seasoned practitioner of meditation. Many stores also do not allow you to return stones once you have bought/ used them. Some stones’ energies are so subtle that to experience them one has to be patient and regular.
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How to Choose the Right Crystal for You, Crystals and Birthstones, Crystals and Colours, Crystals and Chakras, Connections with Crystals