The Universe has your Back!
Aanchal Malhi | Animal Communicator & Healer
I grew up to believe in a higher power and the power of energy. When I was unwell as a child, my mother taught me to heal myself by imagining inhaling a golden light of positivity and healing which transformed and cured the illness, and exhaling out a black smoke releasing the sickness and negativity in my body. It worked every time.
Normal dinner table conversations at home revolved around discussions of ancestral guides, past lives, the signs we received from departed souls and about the 'spirit' we all felt was present in our home. Believing in a higher energy, positive manifestations, vision boards, meditations, past life regressions, psychic and aura readings have all been part of my life. I presumed I was a self confessed 'spirit junkie'.
However, working with animals exposed how little I knew and understood about all things spiritual. I still don't think I have it down. I don't think anyone does.
Animal communication and energy healing has shown me how I'm just scratching the surface about the power of this higher energy.
Hearing about the higher purpose our animals have in our lives, the lessons they are constantly teaching us , the advice they have for their families and also their ability to heal through energy has been one of my most important 'spiritual' lessons.
Surrounding myself around these pure souls only further strengthens my belief that these little furry beings are precious gifts from a higher power. They have also been my biggest spiritual teachers in life. They have taught me to completely surrender to the universe and trust that the universe has my back.
When my dogs are unwell, I know they are trying to teach me to remove myself from a place of fear and place faith in the universe and that things will be alright. The minute I get out of the fear cycle and surrender, things actually do get better.
But in the end I don't think there's any separation in existence between what is the spiritual and 'non-spiritual'. All life is in the domain of the spiritual. There is nothing that is living or dead that is not part of the spiritual world. Even an inanimate object like a quartz or stone or even a candle, emits its own frequency of energy. So I don't think anyone can decide what is not spiritual. Divisions are created by humans that need control, so they create artificial separations, categories and boundaries between the spiritual and 'non spiritual'. This is the beginning of divisive beliefs and religion. It is basically trying to fragment what is whole. However, even when the whole is fragmented or divided, the smallest part will still carry the energy of uniqueness of manifestation of that Oneness.
To conclude, for me spirituality simply means seeing the sacred shapes of all things coming together from this Higher Consciousness.