The Rise of the Sacred Peacock

Natasha Trivedi | Founder, Sacred Peacock
Welcome one and all! Thank you for being here.
I don’t know about you, but I believe we were meant to meet. One way or another, one day or the next - I knew our lives would cross paths.
Consciously or subconsciously, you have stumbled upon Sacred Peacock because deep down you are not satisfied. You want to believe that there is more to life than the drudgery of mundane existence. The schedule, the work, the money, the restaurants, the drinking, the social circles and the endlessness of it all.
I knew we would meet at this point. The point at which you asked yourself, “What is the point of all this?”. You don’t know this as yet, but I will let you in on a secret – it is when you asked yourself this precise question, that your life became significantly richer.
I guarantee this because now I know you. I was you. In school I was conscientious, in college I barely studied but was an accomplished party animal. In my twenties I worked tirelessly for the promotions, fluttered in and out of social circles. Made some good friends, lost many others. Got my heart broken, broke many too. I believed in God, but not like my parents did. I largely tried to be a good person, but not too good because the world is a scary place to show the ‘real’ you. I often felt misunderstood. I made an extra effort to not rub people the wrong way and sometimes went out of my comfort zone to accommodate people, experiences and things I didn’t really need. Sound familiar?
This never satisfying ‘Sisyphean lifestyle’ got exhausting. I felt depleted. There was nothing really wrong, but everything felt out of place. I wasn’t sad, but was I really happy?
It was around that time that I asked myself, “What is the point of all this?”, and I could have never imagined how these six words would change my life. The change was essentially a mind shift, a promise that I made to myself to never feel like I am not making the most of this world.
The one thing I can say with confidence is that my mind and body were waiting for this day! It started with reading a little nonfiction, joining a community yoga class, conscious breathing before going to sleep… and before you know it, I was feeling great! I actually couldn’t get enough of it! And just like that, my journey began.
Learning to be more conscious and in the moment, slowly and steadily changed the way I looked at the world. It is not that I have stopped working, but the question is now to what end do I work to? I still need money, but the nature of making and spending money has drastically transformed. I am not living isolated on a mountain devoid of human interaction... quite the opposite. I am kinder and more grateful for the relationships I share.
I would like to believe that beyond the physical and mental, I am now also a conscious, spiritual being.
Ooh! SPIRITUALITY?!… I know what you’re thinking… “That’s for when I retire...”, “Where do I have the time to find ‘my spiritual self’ when I have two mouths to feed and school fees to pay?...”, “How do I enroll in a meditation course in the mountains when I am working in the City?...”, “Who will pay the bills if I am busy finding myself?...”, “I can’t even finish a book in peace, let alone try to delve into the mysteries of life!...”
Initially, I admit, it is tough to find time for yourself. But you must persist. It is the only answer for long lived happiness and deep peace. Everybody deserves spiritual bliss no matter how old or young they are. It is a gift that you are entitled to.
It is a gift I want to give to you through Sacred Peacock.
I strongly believe that all human beings are spiritual beings. This is my effort to bring spirituality closer to you. Whether you’re at work or sipping your first cup of coffee for the day, sitting in the car waiting for soccer practice to finish or running on a treadmill trying to process life; read, share, unwind, relax, be amazed and most importantly, change.
I hope you are able to find your slice of spiritual bliss here.